mar 31 | mer 1 | jeu 2 | ven 3 | sam 4 | dim 5 | lun 6 |
As 2023 cricket season soon begins, KTA has to practice to be ready, on top, since first matches...
So KTA players start to have practice session, after work, mainly on Thursday, at Bagatelle cricket field.
Congratulations to Vikas MATHEW,Jayakrishnan AP,gaurav sharma, Puneet Kohli, KASHIF ALI, @deeprajRamkumar KumarGeetha, Kiran Rama Krishnan, Tyson John, Sree Raj, Shiju Vijayan
Better to come
Dear all,
As year 2023 begins, we need to prepare the 2023 KTA season in Cricket....
The registration of KTA club and players, to the different competitions, organized by the AFC, is in progress.
Our team will soon play friendly matches, in order to prepare the coming season.
Stay tuned for KTA,
Best is yet to come....
Dear all, even if season is off, KTA team is still actve.
Last sunday, our club was invited at Festival de l'Inde - Bolly'ville 2022.
All day spent by KTA vice president (Sangeeth Kurup), KTA secretary (Jayakrishnan AP), KTA cricket manager (Vikas MATHEW), KTA communication manager (Ramkumar KumarGeetha), KTA cricket vice captain (Tyson John), to :
- advertize,
- explain,
- discuss,
about cricket, with :
- children,
- teenagers,
- parents,
- beginners (obviously french),
- experienced players (obviously indian 😉)
under auspices and with material fom AFC.
Thanks a lot for such confidence, to organizer François Gaston, and to @Marjorie Guillaume from AFC.